My best friend and long time fishing buddy passed away in December. I could go on forever about our fishing adventures. I met Jim when I was in the Air Force back in the early nineties and for about 20 years we were inseparable. He was a retired Marine and was working in the civil service. Jim was a father figure to me and one of only two people I’ve met in my life that I condsider true do anything for you friends. Keith was the other and he passed away in February last year. He was my best friend in high school and we remained close throughout our lives. He was retired Air Force as well and died from COPD that he developed from years of working in missle silos.
Jim and I learned how to long line together in the early 90’s. We fished out of a 12’ John boat with a 15hp mariner engine on it. We could have afforded better but he was a frugal old bugger and there was no fancy boat around that was catching more than us so he wouldn’t get a new one. We became known as “dumb and dumber” for all the stupid situations we got ourselves into and the stupid things we tried. Like hooking balloons to crappie and letting them go to see where they swam to. Haha. One of many failed plans.
Anyway today was my first trip out in awhile and I haven’t caught a limit of crappie in over two years so this morning on the way to the lake I felt like Jim was riding along side me as I reminisced about our adventures. Arrived at the ramp about 6:30 and launched. Wasnt sure where I was going to start but me and Jim had a philosophy about long lining. If you weren’t sure where to go find someone else that was doing it and join in. We might not have had the best equipment in the world but if someone could catch them we knew we could as well. So I’m riding along and sure enough I pass a cove with one boat in it trolling so I stop, set up and start trolling. Within 15 minutes I had 5 fish in the boat. Was an awesome day that brought a few tears while remembering an old friend. Had a limit of crappie by 9:30, best day in a long time. Fish were scattered around a island chasing shad and best color was black and chartreuse. Jim’s favorite color combo by a mile.
So as I lay down to sleep tonight I will be dreaming of the day and of the many adventures Jim and I have had and when I wake in the morning I’ll be praying Jim is still with me as i hook up the boat and go try it again tomorrow.
Thanks for a great day today Jim. I love and miss you!