Since Ernie and I went about a month ago I’ve been wanting to get back out. The last trip was tough on me, too early in the recovery stage. Didn’t get hurt but it let me know that I didn’t have the endurance that I needed just yet. Hoping that I could get out and see how I was coming along, I spoke with The Speck Detector about another trial run. Our schedules came together and we headed to Woodruff at O dark thirty this morning.
Slid his boat off at Highland Park and eased out to the lake to find almost breathless conditions and only a few boats already on the lake. The sun tried to hide behind some cloud cover and I wondered if it would wander over our way and cut things short. Glad to say it never happened. Headed out mid lake and got set up and didn’t have long to wait before a rod got bent. We had been told that the fish weren’t running big but no one told this fish. A nice one near the 12 mark. I almost forgot to mention the first fish that doubled the rod hard and stayed down. We both hoped it was the crappie of the century, but it had a long nose and needed a trip to the orthodontist. Never got close to the boat and he broke off. Glad of that, they just make a mess.
We headed north and while we didn’t set the world on fire, we stayed plenty busy. Several boats were piled up near the Deleon run but we didn’t see lots of activity. Before we got too close they started moving out, one by one. They were still in search mode too. Some just headed in, I guess from the heat that was starting to build. The wind never built over a gentle breeze and we wondered just how good this could be if we got some chop on the water. Time rolled on and the heat got up and the drinks came out. Cloud cover still hard to come by. It seemed the clouds were everywhere around us but none over the lake itself. Finally the bite slowed and we had enough of the heat, it was time to call it a day. The total for the day was near 30 with 9 of the better ones getting the invitation to dinner. I had made it almost 5 hours and wasn’t feeling too worn out. I just may be up to the October gathering after all.
I can’t say enough good about everyone that has checked on me and made it clear that they’re ready for me to get back after it. Thank You one and all. This has gone on longer than I ever dreamed it would, and I’m not done yet and headed in the right direction. Thank you Jeff for getting me out today and helping me find out just how much better I have become, and for brightening my attitude. It’s tough knowing what I want to do, having the time and the river 3 miles away, and I can’t go. Maybe a solo trip a few weeks down the road. I had a great time today. I hope the folks in the FCC tourney had a good showing and caught a bunch of fish. My boat next time Jeff, and not very far off.
Here’s a couple of pics from this morning. Excuse my bad manners as I never took a pic of my host. I promise to do better next time. It just might be nap time. Til we see each other again, hopefully on the water…..Skeet